Announcing  Our 3rd Annual Bottle Fair

The Northwest Miniature Bottle Club has set plans to hold our 3rd annual bottle fair at our Summer  Meeting.  In addition to the Regular meeting and Potluck members and guests will have the opportunity to "set up a table" to trade or sell mini bottles.  The meeting will be held the 3rd Saturday in August 2008 in Graham, Washington (about 60 minutes south of Seattle). Each of the last two bottle fairs  had over 1000 bottles from various members and the club to choose from.  There is no charge to set up a table.  Everyone attending is encouraged to bring a Potluck dish (the main meat dish is provided by the club). 

Anyone interested in attending this meeting should contact the club for specific details on the time and the exact location of the meeting and to RSVP so that we will know how many "extras" will be attending.

In addition to the "selling and trading tables", the club will hold its normal bottle raffles and tehy will be open to all attendees. 

If interested go to our Contact page and get a hold of us by phone, mail or e-mail.


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